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Eso Database Addon Keeps Saying Failed to Upload Data


The site is undergoing changes to the images for 3.six.10 and then the screen shots, icons, settings menus, and card clarification may not resemble 3.five.thirty.


•  3.1 Upgrading from iii.five.thirty to 3.6.ten

•  iii.1.ane What steps should I take when upgrading

•  3.ane.ane.i What is required

• What is optional after importing

•  3.1.2 What to expect upgrading from iii.5.30 to 3.6.ten

• Have the dependencies changed

•  3.1.4 Which modules do I need to activate for MM 3.6.ten

• Principal Merchant and ShoppingList

•  3.1.four.2 All the LibGuildStore Modules

•  iii.1.four.iii LibHistoire and all MMxxData Modules

•  3.ii Shopping List and Bonanza!

•  3.2.1 Shopping List

•  iii.ii.2 Bonanza!

•  3.2.three Bonanza Name Filter

•  three.2.4 Bonanza Type Filter

•  3.2.5 LibGuildStore for Master Merchant

•  3.iii MM Price vs TTC vs Bonanza

•  3.3.ane Evaluating the Bonanza cost

•  3.iii.2 Price Sold vs. Price Listed

•  3.3.iii Comparisons betwixt Bonanza, TTC, and MM

•  3.4 Three states of LibHistoire cache

•  3.4.1 Unlinked

•  3.four.two Linking in progress

•  three.4.iii Linking in progress, with 0 events left

•  3.4.4 Linked

•  three.5 Ten Day Scan

•  3.5.1 Select A Guild

•  3.five.2 Request one day at a time

•  3.5.3 Rescan Push

•  iii.v.iv When E is no longer showing

•  3.five.5 LibHistoire GUI

•  3.half dozen Update Your Guild History Each Day

• Unlinked Events Notification

•  iii.eight Resolving Unlinked Events

•  3.9 Master Merchant Window

•  three.nine.1 Order Sales and Personal Sales

•  3.9.2 Detail Report

• What The Columns Mean

•  3.9.3 Seller's Report

•  iii.9.3.ane Top Buyers and Sellers

•  3.9.3.ii Summit Items

•  iii.nine.3.3 Personal Sales - Seller's Report

•  3.9.3.iv What The Columns Hateful

•  3.9.4 Date Ranges

•  iii.10 Statistics Window

•  3.11 Settings

•  3.eleven.1 Primary Merchant

• Master Merchant Window Options

• Alert Options

• On-Screen and Chat Alert

• Adding Brandish Options

•  three.eleven.ane.v Other Tooltip Options

•  3.11.i.6 Inventory Options

• Guild Shop Options

• Guild Master Options

•  iii.11.1.9 MM Debug Options

•  3.11.2 LibGuildStore

•  3.11.two.1 Sales Management Options

• Data Management Options

•  3.eleven.2.3 LGS Debug Options

•  3.xi.ii.4 Import MM Information

•  iii.11.two.5 Import ATT Data

• Import ATT Purchaces

•  iii.eleven.2.7 Refresh LibHistoire

•  3.eleven.2.eight Import ShoppingList Data

•  three.11.ii.9 Import Pricing Data

•  3.eleven.ii.ten Reset Information

•  iii.12 Misc

•  3.12.1 Popup Item Data

•  iii.12.2 Level Quality Selectors

•  three.12.three Erroneous timestamp

•  iii.12.iv What is beingness scanned

• A few days of sales from 109 entries

•  three.12.iv.2 4 days of sales from 8031 entries

•  3.12.5 Sales Week

•  3.13 Slash commands

•  3.13.1 Consign Sales Written report

•  3.13.two Export Sales Activity

•  iii.fourteen Technical Information

• Backup LibGuildStore Data

•  three.14.2 Uninstall Master Merchant 2.x

•  3.14.3 Locating LibExecutionQueue

•  iii.14.iv Unintentional ZOS Bug

•  3.xv Alternate Upgrade Method

•  3.15.ane Optional Mods For This Process

•  3.15.2 Optional Debug Settings

•  three.fifteen.3 The Process

•  iii.15.iv Version History

•  iii.16 Depreciated

•  3.xvi.i Backup Master Merchant Information

•  iii.xvi.two Background Scanning

•  3.17 Authors

•  3.18 Translators


Shop all of Tamriel with Axle Me Up and Bonanza. Primary Merchant is non just for high stop traders anymore. If you are shopping for the best deal you lot can detect information technology in the Bonanza window.

If y'all are experencing bug subsequently trying the following steps yous can review the section Alternating Upgrade Method.

•  Log out of the game

•  Download the MM iii.6.ten update with Minion or manually install it

•  If you manually install and so manually delete the previous version kickoff

•  Log into the game to the character screen

•  Earlier choosing a character make sure all the new LibGuildStore modules and all the old MMxxData modules are active

•  One time you log in you volition see a notification in chat LibGuildStore Refresh Not Finished yet. Wait for LibGuildStore to recieve all of the LibHistoire information.

•  Verify the LibGuildStore settings are configured to encounter your personal preferences.

•  Employ LibGuildStore to import information from MM or to import data from ATT

•  Use LibGuildStore to Import Pricing Data and review the Guild Store Options for changes

•  Disable all old MM modules and the old standalone ShoppingList after the data is imported to decrease load times

You can still apply ATT and MM at the aforementioned time if you chose. There is a toggle to disable the notification nether Debug Options under the MasterMerchat settings. - What is required

•  Main Merchant 3.half-dozen.x

•  LibExecutionQueue

•  LibGuildStore

•  LibGuildStore Information File GS00Data, LibGuildStore Data File GS01Data, etc.

3.ane.1.2 - What is optional after importing

Master Merchant Data File MM00Data, Master Merchant Data File MM01Data, etc.



In that location will exist a long Refresh one time yous log in while all the sales from LibHistorie are imported. It took about one hr and eight minutes to import 1,110,000 sales. I will expect into reducing the amount of time information technology takes just for now that is a adept estimate for yous. If y'all have most 1M records expect information technology to take an hour to import sales from LibHistorie.

Once the initial refresh is finished y'all can import sales from MM. This is to conform people who may take more history in their MM data files then they practice in LibHistorie. You can as well import from ATT for the aforementioned reason. If y'all take been using ATT and have never used MM and then you lot could have xxx days of data in your ATT information files. Afterwards you import your ATT data and do a Ten Day with LibHistorie you volition have the most data possible. You lot can as well import purchases from ATT and the former standalone ShoppingList for MM. At that place will exist notifications to disable the one-time MMxxData modules, the old ShoppingList standalone module, and ATT. There is an option to disable the ATT notification if you prefer to use both MM and ATT at the same time.

LibGuildStore is provided with MM and is not a separate Minion download.

MM Adds LibGuildStore which is where all the Guild Shop related data will exist kept. NA and Eu information is now stored separately. This besides allows importing from MM if yous have more MM data then you exercise LibHistoire information. You would not desire to overload MM merely you could import whatsoever backups you have or backup files from other friends or guild members if you re-create them to the SavedVariables folder.

Caution, the more data you import the longer MM will need to load.

3.1.four.1 - Master Merchant and ShoppingList

mm_shopping_list - All the LibGuildStore Modules

all_libguildstore_modules - LibHistoire and all MMxxData Modules


Considering of how saved variables work I am forced to keep the erstwhile MMxxData modules to load the information into retentivity. Considering of how Minion handles uninstalling I chose not to move the MM modules to a different subfolder.


Adds a new icon allowing you to view purchases you lot make from guild stores.

shopping_list The Shopping List icon allows you to select the installed extension and view purchases you take made from guild stores.

The by old Shopping List extension by MildFlavour is non longer used and tin can be disabled afterwards you lot import your purchases.

3.2.2 - Bonanza!


With MM the Bonanza bonanza_icon icon allows you to view items you have seen at traders as you shop for items to purchase.

three.2.3 - Bonanza Proper name Filter


three.2.4 - Bonanza Blazon Filter


LibGuildStore was created to facilitate converting MM sales data from the onetime format to a new format that uses less space. LGS will besides keep track of purchases for the Shopping List module, sold and canceled items, and contains listings from other traders. Bonanza will provide y'all with a snapshot of the last 24 hours of items you have seen when visiting traders. LibGuildStore as well keeps all information split up between NA and Eu servers.

For those upgrading to MM 3.6.x you will need to be aware of a few changes. The MMxxData (MM00Data, MM01Data, etc.) modules are used for importing data only. Subsequently your import your data, these old modules should be deactivated.


There are several examples considering I feel Bonanza is new and it may be difficult to sympathize the diverse ways to employ it. I highly suggest reading all of the following sections.

example_1_hlaalu example_2_cuirass example_3_bow example_4_plating

•  The MM price is in xanthous text, and it is the price the particular sold for in 1 of the guilds y'all are in. It is not a toll from other exterior sources like other guilds on the server and it is not from TTC.

•  The TTC Toll is from their ain data collected past their EXE and transmitted to their server. They trim outliers using their own method and so make an boilerplate of the remaining information.

•  The Bonanza Price is in blue text and information technology is an average from a 24 hour snapshot of all the listings y'all have seen of that specific particular from the traders you take visited.

Looking at the beginning example of the Hlaalu Bookcase y'all run into it sold 1 time out of all the guilds I am in. So there is no way to go a reasonable cost for it. Someone listed it 56 days ago for 100K and it sold. That is one of the drawbacks of the MM price. If y'all do not take many sales from the guilds you lot are in and then the MM cost won't be very helpful. Also from the first example you lot see that the TTC price is about 19K and the Bonanza price is 17K. There are ix listings from TTC and 1 from another trader. Once you have more than data the Bonanza cost may modify but you can more easily come across that 17K to 19K would probably be a more reasonable cost so 100K.

From the 2d and tertiary examples you will annotation that the TTC price is useless for these items. The TTC price tin can sometimes exist very helpful. The bonanza cost is also college then the MM price. This is where the Bonanza window will be needed considering you volition need to search for the exact item and look at the prices you accept found. This is discussed in the section Evaluating the Bonanza price

The Bonanza toll while like to TTC is the average of what you take constitute at the traders you lot have visited in the terminal 24 hours. Bonanza itself is intended to exist a shopping tool simply since the information is there it is displayed on the graph for you to use as some other fashion to evaluate what the particular is currently selling for. If you lot only have i to iii sales you lot can non compute an average from that I'd propose 5 or more depending on how pop it is on traders at the time.

For the last example yous will note that the Bonanza toll for Chromium Plating is but about 22K above the MM toll. With more data information technology may even fall exactly in line with the MM price. The TTC suggested price is 239Kwhich is 2K different then the Bonanza average. For items that normally do not have a lot of skew to the pricing data this will be common. For items that take more outliers skewing the pricing data you will demand to evaluate the TTC and Bonanza prices to get a better idea of what may be a good cost to sell the item for.

three.3.1 - Evaluating the Bonanza cost

bonanza_tooltip_style_page low_end_prices high_end_prices

If those are besides small, correct click the image and show it in a new tab to see the total size.

Looking at the tooltip TTC shows 74K to 93K, the Bonanza average is 158K, and the MM toll is 70K. So the highest and lowest list in TTC is 446 to 5M. With TTC you can not view the current prices beingness used for their proffer. You tin view the Bonanza prices to evaluate what other people are selling the detail for. For this example yous would open the Bonanza window and search for style zero cuirass.

As you run into in the middle screenshot the prices range from 50K to 80K. In the final screen shot the highest prices are 1M to 3.9M. So now you lot have three prices all in about the aforementioned range. one) 50K to 80K 2) 70K 3) 74 to 93K and all without opening external websites, google docs pages, or spreadsheets. It didn't require two monitors and it took but a few moments.

It is like shooting fish in a barrel to encounter that 70K is probably the best average price to sell the way page for. If you want it to meet faster because you want information technology out of your inventory, 50K won't bee as well low that someone might flip it and even if they practice you still made close to the going charge per unit of 70K.

But because the Bonanza price is not 70K and is showing 158K doesn't mean it is inaccurate. In this example information technology is being affected past all the prices higher up 1M. Although you can not see the data you will be able to view your own. For the data used in the screen shots 99 of the prices were above 100K which will affect the average significantly. This is why I recommend you evaluate the cost in the manner described.

3.3.two - Price Sold vs. Toll Listed

The above items are meant to show items that have an unusual range for the TTC cost or Bonanza price because it is the listed toll. For items like fashion pages if there are 124 listings and 99 of them are 100K and above you may wonder if you could brand more than from selling the item. Maybe and maybe not. This is the difference betwixt what the item sold for which is the MM price and what the item is listed for which information technology the Bonanza or TTC cost. Call up of how an writer might write a book. They write the book so it is appealing to their audience. So imagine who will be buying your items. Practise they take 6M to spend on something and plenty of golden left over? Does your buyer have 6M at all? Take they ever had 6M at i time? Are they willing to spend 6M for the particular? It is unproblematic common sense that if someone has 124 items to choose from they will purchase the cheapest 1. Just considering something sold for 5M or 6M sixty days ago when the item was scarce and someone had that much to spend on the detail doesn't mean people will pay that price when the item is less scarce.

The above examples don't stand for things like crafting materials where the pricing is more than consistent and the MM price is more than reliable. With the example of crafting materials that is simple supply and demand. If you lot want to read an article on it be my guest and yous can enjoy such wonderful words as equilibrium and elasticity, knock yourself out. There are a lot of crafting materials on guild stores and then there is a large supply and there is a large demand for them. Because there is a consistent need for them people purchase the cheapest listed items and the price remains rather consistent.

This is not the case for everything. Accept your time and utilise the different prices and tools to evaluate what you lot are selling, what others are selling information technology for, and what others are buying information technology for.

iii.3.iii - Comparisons between Bonanza, TTC, and MM


To start with you will accept people that list an detail for something stupid and it just contaminates the TTC database. They should be prevented from uploading TTC prices from the TTC developers. When you have items with no data or items that people feel should sell for millions of gilt and so those are harder to evaluate.

That isn't what I will cover in this section because that kind of data is not usable.

Expect at these examples of the Bonanza price


Bonanza is within 1K approximately from TTC and the MM average.


Bonanza is 1g away from TTC average.

Most sales noobs feel y'all accept to have millions of sales in your database, years and years of stuff, and preserve information similar you lot are the library of congress or something. If you look at both of those screen shots TTC has data points in the thousands. 15,000 for the Dreugh Wax, and ii,800 for the Blessed Thistle. Nevertheless I have the aforementioned price for the Blessed Thistle with only a few hundred data points.

I could write Lua code that anyone could copy and paste into an online Lua compiler that could show yous how I tin can add a variety of numbers and come out with a certain average, say 100. And then I could add together another set up of data that has different and more than numbers, and however come inside approximately 5g of the average I am looking for. A range of 95g - 105g more than or less.

The case would be bias of course because I am demonstrating that if you when you add together 100, 99, 90, 95 and then on.. together that you get a specific average. If yous load more than of the same numbers you will get the aforementioned average. I don't care how many times you add 100 + 100 + 100, it will exist the same issue.

In statistics this is called the Way. Then the value that appears most often. Commonly sold materials such as Chromium Grains, Dreugh Wax, Clam Gall, Blessed Thistle and such that the data is fairly consequent. When data is more consequent you don't need thousands of data points to go the proper average.

Don't make information technology piece of work. If y'all visit 3 or 4 cities and search for key items at all traders then you should have enough data to work with. TTC and Bonanza should be close however, information technology depends on the pricing people use. Some people post the TTC Suggested price and some post the Average price. It depends on the demand of the item and the price.

The other benefit of Bonanza is that you can view the prices. Which is what I bear witness in my documentation nether Evaluating the Bonanza price. If yous feel the price is not in line with TTC or listings from other traders so await. If other traders list a style page for 50K and that is the near common value then that is the going rate. Yous tin can and then cost your items to be competitive with other guilds.

So it may be a chip of information overload simply without the need for two monitors, viewing the TTC website, viewing google docs, viewing spreadsheets, exporting prices from MM to paste on websites, just use the Principal Merchant interface. It is simple and easy to switch views and search for things to compare data without leaving the game to wait at outside sources for information.

3.4.1 - Unlinked


In the Unlinked country yous tin can either expect for the server to grant the requests for offline data that LibHistoire requests, or you tin can manually request lodge history for the time you were offline.

3.4.two - Linking in progress


Once LibHistoire has what information technology feels it needs, so it will begin processing the club history events and effort to link to the last known event.

3.4.3 - Linking in progress, with 0 events left


If you lot ever come across it processing 0 events for a while you will merely need to wait for the events to link. If there are external factors involved and then nothing will process until that is no longer affecting LibHistoire.

3.4.four - Linked


Once LibHistoire has linked to its stored events you should see green text. This means that LibHistoire has finished processing the guild history.

You can still asking additional history and enquire LibHistoire to cheque the lodge history for any missing sales events using the rescan button.

If you are upgrading from MM two.5.x or installing MM iii.x for the first time, yous will need to do a Ten 24-hour interval Browse of all the guilds you lot are in. This ensures that LibHistoire has stored sales data for you lot to start working with.

Initially I had suggested requesting all the data at once. This seems to cause an upshot for some users. Read this section advisedly.

three.five.1 - Select A Social club

When yous first log in in that location won't be much as far every bit lodge history loaded in retentiveness.


In guild to manually request sales data you have to choose a gild and select All, non purchases. And so press E about every three seconds and so you lot are not kicked from the game by the server.

3.5.two - Request one day at a time


Look at the in a higher place image and utilize the correct scroll bar to come across when you accept requested i 24-hour interval of data. Busier guilds with more than data will have more than sales per day. To keep from processing besides much at once request one day at a fourth dimension and click the Rescan button.

3.five.three - Rescan Button


If you are familiar with MM ii.five.x the Rescan push is the equivalent of the old /mm missing. When you click Rescan LibHistoire will scan all the information loaded into memory so far and skip any duplicate events already saved in its data cache.

3.5.four - When East is no longer showing


Once you have scanned 10 days of sales then the option to printing E will not be shown. The server will only allow you to request 10 days of data. In one case you have done and then click the Rescan Push to make sure LibHistoire processes all the events.

iii.five.5 - LibHistoire GUI


Equally you perform a ten 24-hour interval browse the LibHistoire GUI will update. It might even finish processing a certain amount of events. Practise not click the modest concatenation link showing in this screen shot. That will link to the electric current events loaded which for your outset initial utilise of LibHistoire yous do not want that to happen. You should only click the Rescan Button if you lot run across it to ensure all events are scanned.

Scanning 10 days of history every few days or every week is pointless and a drain on the server.


Regardless of how long you have been offline you need to update your guild history. To obtain older sales data for whatsoever time you take been offline you lot tin can await for the server to transport the information to LibHistoire. How quickly the server provides the data depends on many things. Because of that I do not wait. I manually scan the guild history from the guild history tab by pressing E for Show More.

Later I have enough guild history to cover the time I accept been offline then I utilize the rescan push button which asks LibHistoire to double check the sales loaded in retentiveness are in the cache. Once LibHistoire has verified the sales data the text will turn greenish indicating that the sales events are linked.

With LibHistoire one.2.0 there is a new notification when you log off.


You could have any amount of time that has not been linked with your Guild History Events. If you chose to log off that is fine simply pay close attention to the notification. Any gap in information volition however be in that location when you lot log back in and y'all will have to offset over. Refer to Resolving Unlinked Events and Update Your Order History Each Day for more information.

If you open the Guild History take more then 10 days of missing events you will demand to complete a X Day Scan.


The above screen shot indicates that there is 28 days and 19 hours worth of missing time from unlinked events. When this happens y'all can just fix it by doing a Ten Day Scan.

To commencement request one day of data as shown in the screen shot for Asking only a few days at a time. After y'all run into one twenty-four hour period of data and then click the pocket-size concatenation link above sales equally shown below.


After you click the concatenation link then you will be given a confirmation screen and you will want to click Ostend or press E to confirm the action.

Since the server only stores 10 days of data, you will not be able to retrieve sales more and then x days sometime.

Once the concatenation link is clicked LibHistoire volition brainstorm processing sales for the time you take loaded into memory. If you have done every bit suggested, it will process about 1 days worth of sales.

Then echo the process mentioned in the X Day Scan past requesting a 24-hour interval or two of data and then click the small-scale Rescan Push button. One time the process is complete then remember to Update Your Guild History Each Twenty-four hours so this doesn't happen once again.

This can happen in any order even so, this will occur in guilds with a high volume of sales per day more hands and so in a guild with smaller amounts of sales.


search_box Search Box

people_icon Cycles through: Seller, All sales totals past Seller. Item Sold, Top selling ITEMS. Buyer, All buy totals by Buyer.

open_statistics_window Opens the Statistics Window.

toggle_seller_item Seller Info Guild Ranks, Detail Info Your Info or All Info.

sales_icon Sales view shows Personal Sales or Gild Sales. Use the Seller Info/Order Ranks toggle to change views from Detail Study to Sellers Written report.

shopping_list The Shopping Listing icon allows you to view purchases you have fabricated from guild stores.

bonanza_icon The Bonanza icon allows you view trader listings you have seen at other guild stores.

reports_icon The Direction view lets you lot see posted and canceled sales.

mail_icon Sends post to the writer with an optional donation amount.

money_bag The Moneybag icon means the purchaser is non a member of that guild.

Detail Sold is simply available from a Seller's Report.

Donations should be voluntary. People that struggle to make 25K gold a week, feel free to just say thanks. I'd rather receive a 50K donation from top sellers making millions a week.

3.nine.i - Guild Sales and Personal Sales

show_your_info show_all_info

First select what information you would like to run into. Show Personal Sales will brandish info Merely about Y'all. Show Guild Sales will display data from all members of all of your guilds.

When the button says Show Guild Sales, that means you lot are currently viewing YOUR data and vice-versa. You lot can toggle dorsum and forth between Personal Sales and Order Sales while viewing any study.


If you have e'er opened the Master Merchant window you take probably seen the list of your personal sales. This is an Item Report and if yous click the People Icon you will change between the Buyer and the Seller.

three.9.ii.1 - What The Columns Mean

Buyer: The purchaser of the item.

Guild: The guild associated with the sale of the item.

Particular Sold: To the left of the Item Sold is the items icon. The number indicates how many of that item was sold.

Sale Time: The approximate time the item was sold. The game stores all sales using epoch time and so the UI just approximates the sale afterward the first hour.

Price: The price the detail sold for. You lot can view the individual price past clicking the Show Unit Price button.

show_unit_price Toggle betwixt the Unit of measurement Toll and Total Sale. - Top Buyers and Sellers


iii.9.3.2 - Top Items


3.nine.3.three - Personal Sales - Seller's Written report


You lot can also view a Seller's Report for your personal sales only the items will be YOUR acme selling items.

Clicking the People Icon will cycle through Seller, Buyer, and Item Sold. - What The Columns Mean

Rank: The rank of the member or item for the guild listed. For example, if you are viewing a seller's study and your rank is vii, information technology ways you are the seventh biggest seller in the social club for the time selected. If you are viewing an detail written report for and Dreugh Wax is the 1st particular in the list, and then Dreugh Wax is the biggest seller for the club showing.

Sales/Purchases: Total Sales or Purchases for that guild or member for the time selected.

Tax: Full Tax generated for that guild or fellow member for the time selected.

Count: The number on the left is the number of transactions, while the number on the right is the number of items. For example @TradingDude had x Dreugh Wax transactions and sold 100 Dreugh wax total.

Percent: This shows what percent of total club sales or purchases each member is responsible for.


There are several engagement ranges y'all tin can choose from. This Week, Last Week and Prior Week start from the ZOS trader flip for the electric current Sales Calendar week. Even so, the last option is customizable under the Master Merchant settings under Calculation Display Options.


Open With Mail: Whether or non to open the Primary Merchant Window when you open your postal service.

Open With Store: Whether or not to open up the Master Merchant Window when y'all collaborate with a guild store.

Testify Full Sale Price: Show the full price of the auction rather then the corporeality after the shop cutting is deducted.

Window Font: The font for the Master Merchant Window. You may have other fonts if you have mods that employ LibMediaProvider like i of my other mods Advanced Nameplates.

If you sold a Crafting Motif 63: Dremora Bows for 11,000 currency_gold the master merchant window will show what you received in the mail service which would be 10,230 currency_gold .


On-Screen Alerts: Show On-Screen popup alerts when you receive a sale. See examples beneath.

Evidence Alerts in Cyrodiil: Enable or Disable Alerts in Cyrodiil. Useful if you watch for specific PVP alerts and practise not want MM Alerts to show upwards.

Chat Alerts: Bear witness chat alerts when you receive a auction. See examples below.

Alert Sound: Choose the Alarm sound to differentiate it from other modern added Alerts.

Show Multiple Alerts: Investigating

Offline Sales Report: Testify Alerts for sales received while offline. See note.

Display Listing Bulletin: Show chat warning when y'all list an detail for sale.

Testify Multiple Alerts and Offline Sales Report may non function as intended with the addition of LibHistoire. However, you volition still encounter notifications of sales as they are received.

iii.11.1.3 - On-Screen and Conversation Alert


Right click the dots on the graph to add the seller to the Guild & Account filter.

Tool Tip Examples

Level/Quality Selectors: Adds Level and Quality selectors to the tooltip window. You can bring up the window by clicking a link in chat or when you correct click an item and choose Popup Item Data. See the Level Quality Selectors department for example of the selectors that appear on the tooltip window.

Toll Calculator when not using AGS.
AGS Turn a profit filter.
Profit margin.
Your Turn a profit.

Prove Stack Toll Calculator: Adds UI to the gild shop if you lot are non using Awesome Guild Store that aids you lot in setting the stack price of the particular listed

Save Fundamental Pricing Data: When Enabled all pricing data is stored and available to all guilds. When Disabled all pricing data is stored split up for each guild.

Display Profit Filter: Adds the Profit to the Time cavalcade for the club store.

Display turn a profit instead of margin: Enabled shows the profit value in gold pieces, and disabled shows a pct.

Deal Calculator Type: Choose from MM Average, TTC Average, TTC Suggested, and the Bonanza Price.

The Price Calculator volition non evidence upwardly with Awesome Guild Store. The Profit Filter is AGS merely. Adding the profit margin or the full profit volition be shown with or without AGS.

Awesome Guild Shop uses its own internal pricing routines and only uses the MM Pricing Information when there is not AGS information. Because of that it may announced that the MM pricing information is malfunctioning when it isn't.


Disable ATT Alert: If you relish using both MM and ATT together so delight disable the warning that ATT files are active with this toggle.


Use Sales History Size Just: This will ignore the minimum and maximum count for sales. If there are 4698 sales of an detail with the solar day range selected for retaining data, then the sales will non be trimmed.

Sales History Size: The days range to retain data.

Min Detail Count: The minimum count of sales for a specific particular earlier the days range is considered. If you select 90 days to retain information, just y'all have seen but 1 sale and the but recorded sale is 120 days old it will non be trimmed.

Max Item Count: The maximum count of sales for a specific item before the days range is considered. If you select ninety days to retain information, and you choose 1000, so the oldest sale once the threshold is reached will exist trimmed. Pregnant if you have 1001 sales for an detail, 1 will exist trimmed and thousand volition remain.

Minimal Indexing: Does non add search words for items. It merely adds the player search word for displaying personal sales. Searching in the Chief merchant window is still possible only volition accept actress time.


The Refresh push tells LibHistoire to send all the data it has in its cache. The more data in the cache, the longer it will take to transmit.

The refresh button is only a fail rubber mechanism in instance a user performs the initial Ten Day scan incorrectly and the data is non sent to MM for some reason. It should not be clicked every so often or every in one case and a while. Clicking this does not refresh the Principal Merchant window or cause the server to transport whatsoever Guild History.


This context bill of fare is from having Master merchant and Awesome Guild Store installed. The menu will vary depending on the mods yous accept installed.

I volition try to update the selector so that in that location are graphics to click on but for now it is only text.

The images below evidence a Lid of a Mother'southward Sorrow and the Legendary version does non have buttons on the right because there is no Mythic version. The Ballsy version has selectors on both the left and right to view the Superior or the Legendary version.

While the selectors do not seem to exist dependant on the sales in your Main Merchant Data, at that place may be unknown factors that foreclose the selector from showing. The code is extremely old and dates back to the introduction of the Champion Points arrangement.

Lid of a Female parent's Sorrow


Chapeau of a Mother'southward Sorrow


When you see an erroneous timestamp, LibHistoire will handle this internally. It will non exist processed until the timestamp is updated properly by the server.


LibHistoire volition ship the sale to MM after it checks that the erroneous timestamp is no longer present.

When LibHistoire is scanning the guild history it is obtaining the sales from all the social club history that y'all take loaded into memory.

iii.12.iv.1 - A few days of sales from 109 entries


LibHistoire simply scan entries from the guild history. With another mod installed called Shissu's Guild Tools a count of the amount of entries is showing. As shown there are 109 entries which only covers a few minutes of sales.

3.12.4.two - 4 days of sales from 8031 entries


However, as shown in the above screen shot there are 8031 entries which covers 4 days of sales. If you lot feel you are missing sales from vii days ago then y'all will need more sales showing on the order history tab.

Every bit of August 11 2020 the kiosk flip is now every Tuesday. All sales totals are calculated from the fourth dimension indicated by ZOS.

You should non try to calculate your sales yourself. Each sale is saved with the exact time postage the sale occurred. All sales even a few seconds prior to the kiosk flip would not show if you selected to see sales from This Week.

On the day of the kiosk flip sales for This Calendar week will only reset after Zenimax transmits the new kiosk flip time. This can occur several hours after the kiosk flip.

3.13 - Slash commands


Chief Merchant can consign a general summary of sales for use with spreadsheets. Total disclosure I am not a spreadsheet guru so I tin non assist with this feature. To use the consign feature choose a order to work with, then select the fourth dimension and range like This Week or Last Week. Then utilise /mm export # to consign the guild'southward information. As an example the screen shot shows a two for the second guild in your list, therefore the syntax would exist /mm export two.

Once exported the data is saved in MasterMerchant.lua in your SavedVariables binder.

Without Taxes:

["Export"] =  {     ["version"] = 1,     ["YourGuildName"] =      {         [1] = "@GuildMember&Sales&Purchaces&Rank",     },        

With Taxes:

["EXPORT"] =  {     ["version"] = ane,     ["YourGuildName"] =      {         [ane] = "@GuildMember&Sales&Purchaces&Taxes&Rank",     },        

Taxes is new as of and you toggle the feature on in addon settings.

Since I have never used this feature with a spreadsheet I exercise non know how easy that is to use as Lua saves information technology. You may demand to copy and paste information technology into another text file and use regular expressions to clean that upward.

Some of my GMs have explained if this format changed information technology would break what they currently employ so it will not exist altered.


You would use /mm sales # to export the sales activeness. As an instance the screen shot shows a 2 for the 2nd lodge in your list, therefore the syntax would exist /mm sales 2.

Once exported the data is saved in MasterMerchant.lua in your SavedVariables folder.

["SALES"] =  {     ["version"] = i,     ["YourGuildName"] =      {         [1] = "@Ashjunkie&@Lcs_Flores&|H0:detail:46129:30:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0|h|h&200&1630085615&fake&4000&Real Social club All-time Gild&Quicksilver Ingot&rr01 white normal materials",     },        

To backup your LibGuildStore information y'all volition demand to navigate to the SavedVariables folder. Usually C:\Users\Your User Name\Documents\Elderberry Scrolls Online\alive. The files can be easily found going to MyDocuments in windows start.

I am sorry I don't know where it is located on a Mac.

Once y'all are in the SavedVariables folders, you will need to copy the xviii GSxxData files named GS00Data.lua to GS17Data.lua as shown in the screen shot. Re-create these to a separate folder outside of SavedVariables and practice not place them in a subfolder under SavedVariables. Y'all volition as well want to go along a re-create of LibGuildStore.lua, LibHistoire.lua, and MasterMerchant.lua.

Currently there is some confusion about how to uninstall Master merchant 2.x and install 3.x. Beginning you need to open up minion. If you see both versions installed every bit shown beneath, uninstall both. The reason you uninstall both is because MM iii.x is a continuation of two.10. It is the same modernistic with the same file names and the same binder names. Minion will not understand how to handle this.


If you manually install your mods, of if you want to know which folders belong to Chief merchant, click the spoiler.

To see a larger paradigm, right click the epitome and choose View Epitome.

When using Minion to uninstall Master Merchant right click and choose Uninstall.


Do not check that box or it will remove your MM data files! Only click Delete!


As you run across above, both versions of Master merchant are now uninstalled.

You have to close Minion because it will be confused near uninstalling both versions.


Open up Minion again and click Find More and search for Principal Merchant 3.0 as shown in a higher place. Make sure the author'south name is Sharlikran. So click the Install button.

Every bit noted on the clarification page you need to install LibAddonMenu, LibMediaProvider, LibGuildRoster, and LibHistoire.

I won't be showing how to install all the required libraries. If you need examples images of the two new libraries LibGuildRoster, and LibHistoire click the spoiler.

To come across a larger epitome, right click the paradigm and cull View Prototype.
To see a larger paradigm, right click the image and choose View Image.

After you install Chief Merchant iii.0 verify it is the merely Master Merchant showing in Minion.

LibExecutionQueue is included with Main Merchant as shown in the zip below.


LibExecutionQueue is sorted alphabetically by the base game.


If you have LibVotansAddonList installed then it will look close to the base game.


Unfortunately from time to time ZOS introduces or reintroduces a bug in the saved vars where the apostrophe is converted to HTML code. Which will mean your sales may or may not display properly. Which is a game issues and you are out of luck until or unless they fix it.

Since this can occur I highly recommend changing your user name to only contain letters as it volition make information technology easier for you in the long run.

This also includes creative names that contain things like Æ or æ. As those are not individual letters.

Cheers to Shadowshire for sharing this workaround. While I did modify near of the steps I wanted to preserve his suggestion because information technology could provide a good culling to importing LibHistoire information for those experiencing bug.

This alternating method will primarily utilise information from the one-time Primary Merchant Data files located in SavedVariables as shown in the depreciated section, Fill-in Master Merchant Information.

Information technology is recommended that simply Master Merchant iii.6.x, ShoppingList (older standalone version), the original MMxxData modules, LibGuildStore, all GSxxData modules, and the required library files for Master Merchant are enabled to avert potential interference while this procedure is performed.

It is recommended to store any backup copies of Main Merchant information outside of SavedVariables in its own folder. For example .\Documents\Elderberry Scrolls Online\live\Backups\MM_Backup_01

3.15.1 - Optional Mods For This Procedure

•  Circonians Addon Selector

Circonians Addon Selector will allow you to save your current active mods before performing this procedure.

3.15.2 - Optional Debug Settings

The viscid post for Principal Merchant 3.0 mentions some slash commands for LibDebugLogger. When these settings are changed this helps provide boosted debug information in the event of any errors. Only use these slash commands as a precaution if yous have been having issues upgrading.

/debuglogger stack on /debuglogger level debug        

Yous should encounter a confirmation of each command in the chat window. For users with conversation mods installed check your mods settings. System might be redirected to other tabs such equally Zone chat.

3.fifteen.iii - The Procedure

During this procedure Master Merchant volition check for duplicate sales. Delight remember it is recommended that you exit the game earlier yous install any addition or change the SavedVariables folder.

Version 3.6.x will not alter the previous MMxxData files or any purchase information for the older standalone ShoppingList module. If you are concerned about loosing any data so please backup your MM file as shown nether Backup Chief Merchant Data. Purchase data for the standalone ShoppingList module is located in the aforementioned binder as the Primary Merchant data files in SavedVariables under the proper name ShoppingList.lua.

Remove the data file LibHistoire.lua from the SavedVariables folder. If you did not make a backup it is recommended you move the file to some other location where you tin can find it. Depending on the results of this procedure you may desire to restore it fifty-fifty though the chief focus is to use the older MMxxData files.

Verify you take the about recent version of Master Merchant iii.0 installed.

Log in and from the graphic symbol pick screen click the dropdown for All Characters. Choose a character from the dropdown. This will be the grapheme yous log into when performing the procedure. Uncheck all the mods except what is shown in the section Which modules do I need to actuate for MM

If y'all have Circonians Addon Selector installed you will be able to enable all your preferred mods after all your data is imported.

Afterwards you log in and the user interface is shown, you should see Chat messages displayed by LibGuildStore and by Master Merchant, followed by one or more of the message "LibGuildStore Refresh Not Finished Yet". Wait for until you see Main Merchant Initialized and the total Sales, Purchases, Listings, and Posted and Canceled items that are existence retained.

Press ESC and go to Settings then LibGuildStore to verify that the Sales Management Options are configured to run into your personal preferences.

Further down nether LibGuildStore settings is a push button to Import MM Information click it and wait for the information to be imported.

Version iii.6.x was released on 09/03/21 you will not take any sales newer then Sep third and considering of that you volition need to perform a 10 Day Scan. When complete you will have all the MM data that existed up until 09/03/21 and then all the sales for the last 10 days. All the information from the Ten Twenty-four hours Scan will be saved in LibHistoire. As long equally y'all Update Your Gild History Each Day you will begin to accumulate data the aforementioned as you did with 3.5.ten.

At this point you lot tin can also Import ATT Data if that is bachelor to yous.

You will also want to Import Pricing Data and Import ShoppingList Data likewise.

If you lot chose to use the debuglogger slash commands and you did not come across any errors then it is recommended that yous type into conversation /debuglogger level info to avoid having unneeded debug messages from mods that use LibDebugLogger to output detailed debug messages. These detailed debug letters are non needed during normal operation.

At this point you will have to log out to the character screen and enable your preferred mods or use Circonians Addon Selector and restore the saved packet of add-ons that you normally use.

If they are enabled, then disable the improver ShoppingList, and each of the Chief Merchant Data File MM00Data through Chief Merchant Data File MM16Data files in the Libraries section to decrease load times

This will get out yous with a gap in your sales from 09/03/21 until now. If that gap is too much for y'all then you tin can effort to import your old LibHistoire information. To practise that y'all will demand to exit the game, backup your LibGuildStore data and your electric current LibHistoire data. Once y'all restore the re-create of your old LibHistoire dala that you moved to a safe place effort to Refresh LibHistoire once again. If you practice non have meliorate results and then go out the game, restore your LibGuildStore and LibHistoire backups and yous won't exist able to utilise the erstwhile LibHistoire data.

Apparently for version two.two.0 at that place was an experimental turbo mode added to MM. From the change log it appears that this was removed by request from Zenimax. However, fifty-fifty I noticed when you tried to download 2.2.1 which had turbo manner removed, you received a file named Main Merchant If you tried to engage turbo mode information technology was yet bachelor fifty-fifty if it didn't piece of work as expected.

Aug 01 2020 after the kiosk flip was announced Philgo68 posted that he would be uploading a new version, which would be ii.three.1. From the beginning it had a small bug in it that prevented information technology from working. Then subsequently that was fixed people started reporting that the Primary Merchant window would not update when you were viewing your personal sales simply that all guild sales was notwithstanding updating properly.

Upon examination of the lawmaking 2.3.1 had turbo manner removed which was not really removed in 2.ii.1 (2.2.0). In addition to that on the description page information technology was mentioned that there was Simple Indexing and Simple Scanning. Oddly those options included new options in the Addons carte du jour to toggle the features on and off. These options were not present in 2.2.1.

This makes me believe that two.3.1 was really intended to be the proposed 2.2.1 but somehow the upload never went through properly. I am glad Philgo68 uploaded the version as information technology has helped me understand the code a bit more than.


To backup your Master Merchant data yous will need to navigate to the SavedVariables folder. Usually C:\Users\Your User Name\Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live. The files can be easily constitute going to MyDocuments in windows first.

I am sorry I don't know where it is located on a Mac.

Once you are in the SavedVariables folders, you lot volition demand to copy the 17 MMxxData files named MM00Data.lua to MM16Data.lua equally shown in the screen shot. Copy these to a separate folder outside of SavedVariables and do non place them in a subfolder under SavedVariables.

Every bit of version 3.0.0 there is no /mm missing and no background scan. The background browse would get hung up by repeated attempts to request more sales data from the server. When the server denied the request MM would continue to wait for the request to be approved.

After starting a new library LibGuildHistoryCache I observed that the enshroud modern would see some new sales. Normally in that location were only a few sales perchance ane or 2 and occasionally less then x. The enshroud mod would update showing that the lodge history events were non duplicates simply MM would non see them every bit new sales.

One other calculation fabricated was to try and go the first entry in the guild history and the last. This was used to try to decide whether or not to scan from the start of the society history array, or the finish. Whether or not you have 1, 100, or more then g events the showtime event will always be the same. All guild history events are appended onto the cease of the list.

For reasons like these MM no longer uses a background scan as it attempted to scan from a specific point in fourth dimension and loop over the guild history events.

Philgo68, Khaibit, dOpiate, sirinsidiator, Garkin, Aldanga, Sharlikran, Dolgubon

mychaelo, svenpanne, tomkolp, mlsevero, Baertram, jupiter126, Otxics, Jakez
